Nylon Fluorescent Masterbatch The unique know-how from our R&D enables us to synthesise nylon (polyamide) masterbatch of regular colours, suitable for all kinds of polyamide applications (e.g. polyamide fluorescent yarns from our customer in central Europe). The colour appearance is stable during and after processing for long term Colour stability test Colour changes of fluorescent pink nylon (PA66) yarn made of our masterbatch during its storage under usual environmental conditions, from 03 September 2018 (production date) until today, simply stable! #Nylon #polyamide #masterbatch #plastic #polymer #nylonmasterbatch #polyamidemasterbatch #fluorescent #fluorescence #Polyamid #PA6 #PA66
Nylon Fluorescent Masterbatch - Colour Stability Test
Donna Chen